Thursday, October 22, 2015

Toasty Jam at Tinker's Son

A few nights ago we went to Tinkers Son in Norwell. We've been going there for a while but just recently started playing at the open mic. What a great time we had! Brought my Gretsch style Jay Turser hollow body, and it sang! Patty played the chords on Jackson's sweet guitar and sang her heart out while I played around the feel.

For a while now I haven't been able to remember chords, modes, and progressions, things that I used to teach when I had students. I haven't really played guitar for quite a while either, had no desire to.
It's very easy to get depressed when you have a terminal illness and you have the eye opening realization that your days are numbered. But that's true for all of us! No one gets out alive:

'Live life, live life like you're gonna die
 Because you're gonna
 I hate to be the bearer of bad news
 But you're gonna die
Maybe not today or even next year
 But before you know it you'll be saying
 "Is this all there was?
 What was all the fuss? Why did I bother?" '

-William Shatner

So I don't want to be depressed. I've never been depressed guy. Not my thing.

I am so enjoying playing again, I know that it's good for my brain and my mood. And now I'm not thinking about modes and scales, just feeling, deciding what tension I want to feel, what story I want to tell.

When we finished our set the owner, Brian, who was watching and gave us a round of our drinks. Nice man, great place.

- D


  1. I'll send you a video me on Cable access TV playing my ukulele the other night. I hope you smile because seriously...Ukulele. And the guitar is in you, Don, in a place touched by nobody and nothing but God. I've always been very blessed you shared so much of that place with me. I could never remember the names for the modes anyway, either, and i know that's not the same for meas it is for you, but music comes before consciousness even. You just vibrate and it comes out.
